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Image of two paper speech bubbles with text "Do you have a minute? We'd appreciate your feedback" on a blue/pink background

Have your say

Paper speech bubble with 'Give us your feedback' in black text on a blue/turquoise background

Feedback is vital to help us improve. 

Click through to take a short survey and let us know what you think.

We are open about our decision-making, how we're managed, and council staff are open with the public
We make sure that the community can engage effectively with decision-making processes and council actions
We are honest and objective, put the public good before personal benefit and manage public money responsibly
We make sure that council staff and councillors are responsible for their decisions and actions and are open to appropriate external scrutiny
We use our resources carefully and lawfully, and in the interests of the community we serve
We are spending money in the right places/on the services that are most important
We are flexible and responsive to new demands and open to new ways of providing services
The helpfulness of/support provided by our staff
The way we run things
The online services we provide
The ability to interact with us in the way that you prefer, e.g. phone, email, website, language of choice
The opportunities given to you to have your say and participate in our decision-making processes

Which of the following statements comes closest to how you feel…?

* required

Please note:

Powys County Council is responsible for ensuring and protecting your privacy when you respond to a survey using this portal. If you were to give us any personal data (your full name, address or phone number), we would like you to know that it will be stored securely for a limited period only, used only for the purposes described in the survey and in compliance with the UK General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and DPA 2018. Click on the Privacy tab at the bottom of the page to find out more.