Welsh in Education Strategic Plan strengthened following consultation
A plan that could shape Welsh-medium provision in schools across Powys has been strengthened following a period of consultation, the county council has said.
Powys County Council has been developing its Welsh in Education Strategic Plan (WESP) for 2022-2032, a binding document to ensure well planned provision for increasing the opportunities for a growing number of children and young people in Powys to become fully bilingual.
Every Welsh local authority is required to prepare a 10-year WESP under the Welsh in Education Strategic Plans (Wales) Regulations 2019.
Last year, the council consulted on its draft WESP and has now made changes to the document after considering the responses received during the consultation period.
Next week (Tuesday, January 25) Cabinet will be considering the updated WESP and will be asked to approve it.
If approved, the WESP will then be submitted to the Welsh Government for their consideration and approval.
Cllr Phyl Davies, Cabinet Member for Education and Property, said: "Our Welsh-medium Education Strategy and our Strategy for Transforming Education in Powys has provided the bases for the council's new 10-year Welsh in Education Strategic Plan.
"It was important we consulted on our draft WESP as we want to increase the opportunities for children and young people in Powys to become fully bilingual.
"I would like to thank all those who provided views on our draft WESP. We have carefully considered these views and, as a result, strengthened our WESP.
"Cabinet will now consider the updated WESP and I will be recommending that it is submitted to the Welsh Government for their consideration.
"We want to improve access to Welsh-medium provision across all the key stages of education and increase the opportunities for children and young people in Powys to become fully bilingual. I believe that our WESP sets us on this road."
The updated WESP will be considered by the council's Learning and Skills Scrutiny Committee on Monday, January 24.
To find out more about Welsh-medium education in Powys, visit Destination bilingual and click on Destination Bilingual.
For more information about Transforming Education in Powys, visit Transforming Education.
Consultation has concluded