Powys Well-being Plan
Consultation has concluded
This consultation has now closed.
What are we doing?
The Well-being of Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015 has created a Public Services Board (PSB) for each local authority area in Wales to ensure that public bodies work together to create a better future for the people of Wales.
The purpose of PSB is to improve the economic, social, environmental, and cultural well-being of the area by strengthening joint working across all public services in Wales.
Powys Public Service Board needs to produce a new Well-being Plan to help the residents of Powys achieve their well-being goals. To achieve our ambition of a “Fair, Healthy and Sustainable Powys”, we have set the objectives below that are the core aims of the plan:
- People in Powys will live happy, healthy, and safe lives
- Powys is a county of sustainable places and communities
- An increasingly effective Public Service for the people of Powys
The purpose of this engagement is to seek general feedback on the new plan objectives and the draft Well-being plan, to ensure we are prioritising the right things as a Public Service Board.
Why are we doing it?
The overall aim is to use the feedback received to determine how well the new objectives and draft plan have been received by the people of Powys and what may need to be changed so that we can ensure that there is a Well-being plan created alongside the people of Powys.
PART 1 - Demographic questions: Asks introductory questions to get a sense of who/where the respondent is (to ensure we receive responses from as many people of Powys as possible)
PART 2 – Well-being Plan Objective questions: Asks respondents to give their feedback on the new objectives and the draft well-being plan, if they think it will positively impact the people of Powys and who they think we should be working with to achieve the objectives.
You can leave your feedback online through our survey below or download and complete the survey and email it to powyspsb@powys.gov.uk or drop it off at your local library.
For more information about Powys PSB and the well-being plan, please visit the Well-being in Powys web page: https://en.powys.gov.uk/sustainability