Powys Active Travel Routes
This engagement has now closed.
We recently carried out an engagement exercise where we asked how the active travel facilities and routes (walking and cycling) in areas across Powys could be improved to enable more people to walk or cycle for short journeys.
Perhaps it was simply somewhere safe to leave your bike whilst you pop to the shops. Maybe a cycle lane would make you feel more confident to ride on the road. The addition of a zebra crossing may allow pupils to safely walk to and from school. Or possibly the pavement needs improving to make walking to town with the children and a pushchair easier. There were lots of different options identified to improve the active travel routes within towns.
Following feedback from residents, town and community councils, schools, and other stakeholders, we have developed the draft Active Travel Network Map (ATNM) for each of the county’s 11 designated active travel localities (as defined by Welsh Government).
These ATNMs show all the active travel routes previously identified in 2016/17, along with the suggestions and aspirational additions and improvements to the network following the feedback received during this year’s recent engagement exercise.
Whilst we have not been able to include every suggestion, due to practicality, we have endeavoured to include as many routes and recommendations as possible. It is, however, worth remembering that these routes are aspirational only, and show the communities vision of a future active travel network in the towns.
These 11 ATNMs are now available for you to review (below) for 12 weeks, until 7 November 2021. This is your opportunity to make sure we have interpreted the engagement exercise feedback correctly.
To view the ATNMs click here: https://en.powys.gov.uk/article/3962/Active-Travel
Alternatively, comments can also be made through the Powys County Council Common Place Mapping webpage: https://atnmpowys.commonplace.is/
If you spot any potential issues with the proposed routes, please send your feedback via email to: active@powys.gov.uk.
Mae'r ymgynghoriad hwn hefyd ar gael yn Gymraeg yma: www.dweudeichdweudpowys.cymru/llwybrau-teithio-llesol-powys