Employment and Skills
Consultation has concluded
This survey has now closed.
Regional Skills Partnerships (RSPs) advise Welsh Government on the strategic direction of travel for skills and makes recommendations on areas of growth or decline, based on robust evidence and strong engagement with employers and stakeholders. Four Regional Skills Partnerships (RSPs) operate across the regions of Wales (North, Mid, South West, and South East) who are each tasked by Welsh Government to fulfil a range of roles and responsibilities. In 2019, the RSPs launched their 3-year Employment and Skills Plans which have been used to shape the skills priorities for employers across respective regions and influence the provision offered through the FE and work based learning sectors.
Since 2019, there has been a significant change in the skills required by industry to drive forward their businesses in a post pandemic world. The turbulent times over the last two years has meant that many new skills have been identified as a key requirement for businesses. Therefore, it is more important than ever that we ensure that people gain the right skills through colleges, universities and work based learning providers (apprenticeships).
Given this context, all four RSPs are now developing new 3-year Employment and Skills Plans (2022-25) which are likely to be launched this Autumn. In this regard, the RSPs Skills Survey is an important part of the process, particularly as we use information gathered through this survey, and our wider engagement with stakeholders, to help inform respective Employment and Skills Plans. By completing surveys, you are contributing to the Employment and Skills Plan for 2022-2025. These plans will be key when informing Welsh Government on the skills landscape across the regions of Wales, and will also help to connect skills funding with employer demand.
As RSPs, we encourage you to complete the surveys which should take no longer than 10 minutes to complete. Surveys can be completed anonymously, although telling us the name of your business / organisation where prompted will allow us to better understand the context of your response and the geographic coverage of the survey. We would also be delighted if you could circulate surveys across your associated networks.