Canals, Communities and Well-being

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Consultation has concluded

This engagement exercise has now closed.

The focus of the Canals, Communities and Wellbeing project is to develop connections, within a corridor of 5km, along each side of the Montgomery and Monmouthshire and Brecon Canals.

The project will be looking to increase opportunities for public access, recreation, and rural active travel, to support enhanced wellbeing.

We’d love to know what you think about the canals within Powys so that we can shape our future plans around your ideas and needs. Whether that’s what you’d like to see improved or what currently prevents you from making the most of them, we’ve included a few examples below.

  • Improvements to footpaths, gates and stiles, both on the canal towpaths and on public rights of way connecting to nearby settlements and places of interest.
  • Making better places for nature to thrive, through nature reserve development and activity along the canal corridor.
  • Guided walks and working with existing initiatives, bringing together communities, community groups and health providers to link everyone with the outdoors.
  • Marketing and information, helping develop opportunities for the canals to support local businesses and volunteering.

While we’re looking at suggestions that can be delivered within the current project, with a specific focus on canal-side experiences and linkages to the canals, we’re also building up an idea of what can be included in future plans, either for delivery by any of the project partners or as a future joint programme of work. As such, all thoughts and ideas are welcomed, from both Powys residents and visitors.

How to share your thoughts

There are a couple of ways to share your views with us using the tools at the bottom of this page. You can….

  • Share your thoughts and ideas with us using our interactive mapping tools. There is a map for each canal. Comments can only be pinned within the highlighted 5km corridor along each canal. (Please note you will need to add your email and a screen name to submit your comment. This is to help create a safe online environment for people to share their views).
  • Send us your views anonymously via our online survey (It should take no more than 10mins).
  • Or both!

If you have any questions

If you have any questions or would like more information about the survey or the Canals, Communities and Wellbeing Project, please contact Wendy Abel, Project Manager by email: or call 01597 826722.

This engagement exercise has now closed.

The focus of the Canals, Communities and Wellbeing project is to develop connections, within a corridor of 5km, along each side of the Montgomery and Monmouthshire and Brecon Canals.

The project will be looking to increase opportunities for public access, recreation, and rural active travel, to support enhanced wellbeing.

We’d love to know what you think about the canals within Powys so that we can shape our future plans around your ideas and needs. Whether that’s what you’d like to see improved or what currently prevents you from making the most of them, we’ve included a few examples below.

  • Improvements to footpaths, gates and stiles, both on the canal towpaths and on public rights of way connecting to nearby settlements and places of interest.
  • Making better places for nature to thrive, through nature reserve development and activity along the canal corridor.
  • Guided walks and working with existing initiatives, bringing together communities, community groups and health providers to link everyone with the outdoors.
  • Marketing and information, helping develop opportunities for the canals to support local businesses and volunteering.

While we’re looking at suggestions that can be delivered within the current project, with a specific focus on canal-side experiences and linkages to the canals, we’re also building up an idea of what can be included in future plans, either for delivery by any of the project partners or as a future joint programme of work. As such, all thoughts and ideas are welcomed, from both Powys residents and visitors.

How to share your thoughts

There are a couple of ways to share your views with us using the tools at the bottom of this page. You can….

  • Share your thoughts and ideas with us using our interactive mapping tools. There is a map for each canal. Comments can only be pinned within the highlighted 5km corridor along each canal. (Please note you will need to add your email and a screen name to submit your comment. This is to help create a safe online environment for people to share their views).
  • Send us your views anonymously via our online survey (It should take no more than 10mins).
  • Or both!

If you have any questions

If you have any questions or would like more information about the survey or the Canals, Communities and Wellbeing Project, please contact Wendy Abel, Project Manager by email: or call 01597 826722.

Share Monmouthshire and Brecon Canal on Facebook Share Monmouthshire and Brecon Canal on Twitter Share Monmouthshire and Brecon Canal on Linkedin Email Monmouthshire and Brecon Canal link

Monmouthshire and Brecon Canal

about 2 years

To share your views on our interactive map, simply:

  • Click on the map
  • Zoom in to locate where you want to place your pin
  • Select the plus '+' symbol to add a pin 
  • Select the pin your comment relates to
  • Drag and drop your pin onto the map
  • Add your comment and press submit

Please note - you are only able to pin comments within the 5km corridor along the canal.

Please remember this is a public space, so please do not share any personal information about yourself or others in your comments.

Share Montgomery Canal on Facebook Share Montgomery Canal on Twitter Share Montgomery Canal on Linkedin Email Montgomery Canal link

Montgomery Canal

about 2 years

To share your views on our interactive map, simply:

  • Click on the map
  • Zoom in to locate where you want to place your pin
  • Select the plus '+' symbol to add a pin 
  • Select the pin your comment relates to
  • Drag and drop your pin onto the map
  • Add your comment and press submit

Please note - you are only able to pin comments within the 5km corridor along the canal.

Please remember this is a public space, so please do not share any personal information about yourself or others in your comments.