Budget Survey 2023

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Powys County Council provides a wide range of services to our communities, spending over £545m every year, mainly on statutory services, which we must provide by law.

The Council will face severe financial pressures in the coming financial year and for the foreseeable future, pressures that will dominate the way council services are delivered for many years to come.

“It is inevitable that these pressures will change the way we operate, the council of the past is no longer sustainable. We must adapt if we are to survive and as part of our future planning we want to hear from as many people as possible to help us shape future budget direction,” said Cllr David Thomas, Cabinet Member for Finance and Corporate Transformation.

“The bleak picture facing Powys is not unique to the county, local government throughout Wales is facing the same pressures. The Welsh Local Government Association in its response to the autumn statement said the country’s local authorities faced a £411 million blackhole in the coming financial year.

"The pressures mean that next year (2024-25) we will need to reduce our spending and increase our income to balance the budget to continue to provide the services we all rely upon. The Welsh Government will provide some additional funding and we will have to consider raising Council Tax to raise additional funds, but these alone will not bridge the gap in our budget."

To balance the budget next year, we will have to take out more than £20m of costs and we would like your input into how best we can do this. It will have an impact on the services we offer but by doing things differently we can reduce our costs.

We need you to help us shape what the council could look like. It will be a smaller council, but it is essential that we prioritise the services to those that need our support most. Doing things differently can help us use the money we have more effectively.

Your views will help us determine what the council will look like.

Please complete the   short survey below   which suggests the changes we are having to consider.

This survey has now closed.

Powys County Council provides a wide range of services to our communities, spending over £545m every year, mainly on statutory services, which we must provide by law.

The Council will face severe financial pressures in the coming financial year and for the foreseeable future, pressures that will dominate the way council services are delivered for many years to come.

“It is inevitable that these pressures will change the way we operate, the council of the past is no longer sustainable. We must adapt if we are to survive and as part of our future planning we want to hear from as many people as possible to help us shape future budget direction,” said Cllr David Thomas, Cabinet Member for Finance and Corporate Transformation.

“The bleak picture facing Powys is not unique to the county, local government throughout Wales is facing the same pressures. The Welsh Local Government Association in its response to the autumn statement said the country’s local authorities faced a £411 million blackhole in the coming financial year.

"The pressures mean that next year (2024-25) we will need to reduce our spending and increase our income to balance the budget to continue to provide the services we all rely upon. The Welsh Government will provide some additional funding and we will have to consider raising Council Tax to raise additional funds, but these alone will not bridge the gap in our budget."

To balance the budget next year, we will have to take out more than £20m of costs and we would like your input into how best we can do this. It will have an impact on the services we offer but by doing things differently we can reduce our costs.

We need you to help us shape what the council could look like. It will be a smaller council, but it is essential that we prioritise the services to those that need our support most. Doing things differently can help us use the money we have more effectively.

Your views will help us determine what the council will look like.

Please complete the   short survey below   which suggests the changes we are having to consider.

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    Cyngor Sir Powys County Council - Agenda item - Draft Medium-Term Financial Strategy 2024-2029, Draft 2024-25 Budget and Capital Programme for 2024-2029 (moderngov.co.uk)

    The Cabinet Member for Finance and Corporate Transformation presented the draft budget for 2024-2025, the draft Medium-Term Financial Strategy 2024-2029 and draft Capital Programme for 2024-2029 at Full Council on Thursday 22nd February 2024.

    Council debated the budget proposals and Cabinet members responded to points raised by members. Members from opposition groups challenged the Cabinet on proposals to charge for blue badges and on the results of the public consultation exercise.

    By 34 votes to 32 it was RESOLVED

    1. To approve the Medium Term Financial Strategy for 2024-2029 as set out in Appendix A to the report.

    2. To approve Revenue Budget for 2024-25 with the inclusion of a 7.5% increase in Council Tax in 2024-25 shown in the Financial Resource Model in Appendix B and Table 4 and Table 5 of the report.

    3. That any additional funding received following publication of the Local Government Final Settlement will be applied in the budget as set out in the budget amendment set out in section 3.18.

    4. To approve the Fees and Charges Register in Appendices D and E of the report.

    5. To approve the Capital Strategy and Capital Programme for 2024-29 shown in Appendix H of the report.

    6. To approve the Minimum Revenue Provision Statement as set out on Appendix H.

    7. To approve the Treasury Management Strategy and the Annual Investment Strategy in Appendix H.

    8. To approve the Authorised borrowing limit for 2024-25 as required under section 3(1) of the Local Government Act 2003 is set at £514 million and the Operational Boundary is set at £499 million as set out in section 3.83 of the report.

    9. To approve the Prudential Indicators for 2024-25 as set out in section 3.79 to 3.86 of the report and Appendix H.